The Monarchs on Audio A poem sequence read by the author Alison HawthorneDeming 0182129570050 Books Livres gratuit The%20Monarchs%20on%20Audio%20A%20poem%20sequence%20read%20by%20the%20author%20Alison%20HawthorneDeming%200182129570050%20Books
Livres gratuit The Monarchs on Audio A poem sequence read by the author Alison HawthorneDeming 0182129570050 Books WWQ
A 60-poem sequence inspired by the migration of the monarch butterfly is given new life in this audio CD, read by the poet herself. Originally released in print, the poems are an extended meditation, exploring the intelligence, strength, and fragility in the natural world. The poet also examines the relationship of humans with nature, considering the differences between instinct and intellect, and natural order versus societal fumbling. While addressing the chaos, the poet also seeks to create harmony, and the result is a collection of poems that are deeply inspired as well as profoundly inspiring.
Alison Hawthorne-Deming,The Monarchs on Audio A poem sequence read by the author,Kore Press,1888553146,premium playing cards-M,Reference,AUDIO,General,LITERARY CRITICISM / Reference,Literary Criticism,Non-Fiction,POETRY / General,Unabridged Audio - Drama/Poetry
The Monarchs on Audio A poem sequence read by the author Alison HawthorneDeming 0182129570050 Books Reviews :
A 60-poem sequence inspired by the migration of the monarch butterfly is given new life in this audio CD, read by the poet herself. Originally released in print, the poems are an extended meditation, exploring the intelligence, strength, and fragility in the natural world. The poet also examines the relationship of humans with nature, considering the differences between instinct and intellect, and natural order versus societal fumbling. While addressing the chaos, the poet also seeks to create harmony, and the result is a collection of poems that are deeply inspired as well as profoundly inspiring.
Alison Hawthorne-Deming,The Monarchs on Audio A poem sequence read by the author,Kore Press,1888553146,premium playing cards-M,Reference,AUDIO,General,LITERARY CRITICISM / Reference,Literary Criticism,Non-Fiction,POETRY / General,Unabridged Audio - Drama/Poetry
The Monarchs on Audio A poem sequence read by the author [Alison Hawthorne-Deming] on . P style= MARGIN 0in 0in 0pt class=MsoNormalA 60-poem sequence inspired by the migration of the monarch butterfly is given new life in this audio CD
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